Engagement 2013
March 24, 2013: I didn’t suspect anything! But now I look back and there were so many clues. hehe. I’m glad there were pictures taken as it’s fun to look back on!
To set the stage: we had talked about having a game day because he loves games and I don’t really. I do love hanging out with people though we starting a tradition that we’ve now done every other month so he has people over to play boardgames with and I play hostess. At this first board game day, we had about 15 people.
It starts off with him reading me the “Deed of Transfer” from the Palmers to me. It was always a joke among us: since dating Stephen, he is now my responsibility, even if I did not read the fine print. (Never mind the fact that Joan had colored over the fine print so they could get rid of him.)
The Deed of Transfer, written was in pretty color to make up for the fact in the ‘original’ contract with the Palmers had the fine print colored over. One of the things listed on the Deed is that there is a 6ft dragon painting that could be and would be on display somewhere in the house; it still is to this day.
He has Hermione’s endless bag (from movie 7) and starts pulling things out of it, “looking” for a pen For me to sign the contract. He pulled all sorts of things, like a sock monkey before he goes something along the lines of, :so to sign this contract, Not in invisible ink, not in blood. I need something more, something special.” And the rest is just a blur.
I watched a video a friend took; it was blurry so I didn’t post it. Although he never officially asked (due to nervousness he says), I obviously said yes<3